Chapter 15
This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
30 Huhti 201910min

Chapter 14
This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
26 Maalis 20192min

Chapter 13
&I - A novel by Don Citarella This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
8 Maalis 201910min

Chapter 12
&I - A novel by Don Citarella This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
26 Helmi 20199min

Chapter 11
&I - A novel by Don Citarella This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with the intent of publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
15 Helmi 20192min

Chapter 10
&I - A novel by Don Citarella This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
7 Helmi 20198min

Chapter 9
&I - A novel by Don Citarella This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
29 Tammi 201914min

Chapter 8
&I - A novel by Don Citarella This channel is a chapter-by-chapter recording of an audiobook of my unpublished, fictional, coming-of-age novel, &I. I'm currently seeking an editor and publisher to help me revise and finalize the story for publication. &I is a study in self-identification as a reflection of others — twins, in particular. The unpublished novel is 77,254 words in 56 chapters. If you're interested in receiving a copy of the manuscript with intent on publication, please drop me a line through Soundcloud or my blog at: don.citarella.net
13 Tammi 20199min