Classic Pinball Machine Tournament Strategy and Breakdown - Free Play Florida 2021 (Ep.68)
On this episode of A Pinball Podcast I discuss game strategies on the classic pinball machines that I encountered at Free Play Florida this past month. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
2 Joulu 202135min

Chicago Gaming Company Announces New Cactus Canyon Model (Ep.67)
On this episode of A Pinball Podcast I discuss Chicago Gaming Company's decision to create a new model for Cactus Canyon and the "sold out" LE situation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
11 Marras 202130min

Pinball Expo 2021 Roundup , Cactus Canyon and Legends of Valhalla (Ep.66)
On this episode of A Pinball Podcast I discuss Pinball Expo 2021, Chicago Gaming Company's Cactus Canyon, and American Pinball's Legends of Valhalla. Cactus Canyon First Look - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UvOZ2gKeTc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
2 Marras 202133min

American Pinball Legends of Valhalla and Pinball Expo 2021(Ep.65)
On this episode of the podcast I discuss American Pinball's newest upcoming release, Legends of Valhalla. I also discuss Pinball Expo 2021 and some of the schedule for the expo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
25 Loka 202120min

The Pinball Super Series Preview (Ep.64)
The Pinball Super Series at District 82 begins this week and runs from October 14th to the 17th. This series will include 6 tournaments with some of the best players in the world. You can catch the live action on Twitch at Fox Cities Pinball. https://www.twitch.tv/foxcitiespinball https://district82.com/event/the-pinball-super-series-all-6-tournaments/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
13 Loka 202121min

Stern Pinball Insider Connected Overview and Thoughts (Ep.63)
Stern Pinball has announced the launch of Insider Connected to connect the universe of Stern pinball machines together. The platform aims to enhance the player engagement with games across both home and commercial environments. These are my thoughts about this new platform. Forum Post: http://tiltforums.com/t/stern-insider-connected/7196/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
8 Syys 202129min

Robert Mueller of Deeproot Pinball Accused by SEC of Fraudulent Scheme (Ep.62)
In this episode of the podcast I go commentary style discussing Robert Mueller's run in with the law as the SEC has charged Texas-based investment adviser Robert Mueller with operating a years-long fraudulent scheme raising $58 million from nearly 300 investors in two investment funds. Robert is also the owner of Deeproot Pinball, which was to "manufacture" long delayed Retro Atomic Zombie Apocalypse (RAZA) after taking deposits on the game December of 2020. SEC Litigation Complaint - https://bit.ly/3kns93c News Article - https://www.pinballnews.com/site/2021/08/21/game-over-for-deeproot-pinball/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
24 Elo 202118min

Down the Pinball Rabbit Hole with IFPA President Josh Sharpe (Ep.61)
In this episode of the podcast I talk with Josh Sharpe. Josh is the IFPA (International Flippers Pinball Association) President, the Chief Financial Officer at Raw Thrills, and is consistently ranked amongst the top pinball players in the world. IFPA Pinball - ifpapinball.com Raw Thrills - rawthrills.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/marvloco IFPA Profile ► https://www.ifpapinball.com/player.php?p=56861 Contact ► APinballPodcast@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsor ► https://www.flipnoutpinball.com/
26 Heinä 202157min