#250: Winter Bucket List
This week we are making our winter bucket list together. So pull out a sheet of paper and let’s make some fun goals to bring us comfort and joy during our least favorite season of the year. You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
17 Helmi 25min

#249: Comfort Rewatch - About Time
This week we are time traveling back to 2013 for a rewatch of the movie, About Time starring Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson. This beautiful film checks all the boxes for us - it’s cozy, it’s sci-fiction, it’s romantic. So if you haven’t seen it or it’s been a long time, we are going to convince you to rewatch this movie. You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
10 Helmi 21min

#248: How Reading Changed My Life
We’re two sisters obsessed with reading! If you’re not a fiction reader yet, in this episode we’ll do our best to convince you to join the dark side with us. If you already are then you are going to get so many book recommendations from this episode. You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
3 Helmi 51min

#247: One Year Without Social Media with Elise Cripe
Today we have something pretty special. Recently we had our girls trip with a couple of friends, including Elise Cripe, who we often refer to as our third sister. So Elise decided to get off social media over a year ago and we wanted to know EVERYTHING!! You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
27 Tammi 1h 9min

#246: Setting Goals for 2025
This week we’re prepping for the new year with a goal setting episode! We’re recapping how our 2024 goals went and sharing some goals we have for 2025. If you are still considering your new year goals we hope this episode encourages you to dream big for 2025! You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
30 Joulu 202443min

#245: Comfort Rewatch - Love Actually
This week we’re doing a rewatch episode of the 2003 Holiday classic Love, Actually. It’s one of the all time best! We’ll also share some of our holiday traditions that we’re doing this year. You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
23 Joulu 202428min

#244: A Year without Alcohol
This week Elsie is sharing a personal topic as she’s about to complete her first completely sober year! This is something Elsie was curious to try for years and she learned a lot from the experience. She’s excited to share the ups and downs as well as the books she read and a pep talk for anyone considering a similar goal in the future. You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
16 Joulu 202446min

#243: Comfort Rewatch - The Fifth Element
This week we're discussing the ICONIC 1997 movie- The Fifth Element starring Bruce Willis and Milla Jovavich. You can support us by leaving us a couple of 5 star recipe reviews this week at abeautifulmess.com Have a topic idea for the podcast? Write in to us at podcast@abeautifulmess.com or leave us a voicemail at 417-893-0011.
2 Joulu 202425min