Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 1
Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 1
8 Hours31 Tammi 2022

Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 1

Here is part one of the interview with Malcolm Burn for the release of his stellar new record, "The Silence In Your Head". We speak about inspiration, world politics, history, social media and his new record of course! In part 2, we will speak about artists he recorded and produced. Malcolm was awarded a Grammy for his work for Emmylou Harris and has recorded/produced many legendary artists (Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Neville Brothers) as well as the best indie artists around (Kaki King, Sandrine, etc). He also has a radio show on Radio Kingston about... music! Have a listen! is part one of the interview with Malcolm Burn for the release of his stellar new record, "The Silence In Your Head". We speak about inspiration, world politics, history, social media and his new record of course! In part 2, we will speak about artists he recorded and produced. Malcolm was awarded a Grammy for his work for Emmylou Harris and has recorded/produced many legendary artists (Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Neville Brothers) as well as the best indie artists around (Kaki King, Sandrine, etc). He also has a radio show on Radio Kingston about... music! Have a listen!


Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 2

Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 2

Here’s Malcolm Burn’s interview, part 2! He’s talking about how he learned singing with a falsetto voice by imitating Monty Python’s voices from the Parrot’s sketch. He also talks about recording with whatever equipment is available, it’s all about the performance. He also talks about Lisa Germano, Daniel Lanois, Elliott Smith, Bruce Springsteen, the Beach Boys and our very own Swiss fellow Stephan Eicher (he produced, recorded and mixed Eicher's album « Louanges »).

6 Helmi 202258min

Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 1

Malcolm Burn, singer songwriter & producer/recording engineer (Patti Smith, Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris, Kaki King) - PART 1

Here is part one of the interview with Malcolm Burn for the release of his stellar new record, "The Silence In Your Head". We speak about inspiration, world politics, history, social media and his new record of course! In part 2, we will speak about artists he recorded and produced. Malcolm was awarded a Grammy for his work for Emmylou Harris and has recorded/produced many legendary artists (Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Neville Brothers) as well as the best indie artists around (Kaki King, Sandrine, etc). He also has a radio show on Radio Kingston about... music! Have a listen!

31 Tammi 202229min

Season 2 Ep 4: Legendary Steve Albini (Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey)

Season 2 Ep 4: Legendary Steve Albini (Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey)

I have been recording last fall for my Cat's Eye (solo) project at Electrical Audio ( in Chicago with legendary sound engineer, mixer, producer (though he doesn't like the title) Steve Albini. He kindly agreed to talk a couple of minutes at the end of the sessions and answered questions about tape recording. Steve doesn't use any computer during recording and mixing: He has a Studer 16-track to record and he mixes on stereo 1/2 inch tapes.

7 Tammi 20225min

Season 2 Ep3: Loretta Gun Delta Blues Folk from Fribourg

Season 2 Ep3: Loretta Gun Delta Blues Folk from Fribourg

Aujourd'hui, nous recevons Sebastian alias Loretta Gun.

7 Loka 20217min

Season 2 Ep2: Yuval Lion, NY drummer

Season 2 Ep2: Yuval Lion, NY drummer

1 Syys 202144min

Season 2 Ep1: Sarah Perrotta

Season 2 Ep1: Sarah Perrotta

Sarah Perrotta interview and live showcase record out on october 15 visit her website Thank you Sarah! article about Sarah Perrotta on

30 Heinä 202136min

Episode 8: Dans la vie d'un programmateur de concert

Episode 8: Dans la vie d'un programmateur de concert

Nous recevons aujourd'hui Flavien Droux, programmateur du Nouveau Monde, club fribourgeois qui fête ses 25 ans ce week-end: En bonus, Flavien nous donne son top 5 d'albums, soit 5 pépites qu'ils a énormément écoutés ces 5 dernières années: "Intenable // Du Punk-Rock chanté en français et qui te transporte dans plein de sentiments différents. Ce qui est rare avec le Punk-Rock :)) > L’album “Quatrième mur” : J’ai énormément écouté cet album durant mon road trip de 2017, ça me rappelle plein de grands souvenirs. Et un peu de nostalgie. Hugo Tsr // Ce qui se fait de mieux dans le Rap dit conscient. Du Rap à l’esprit Punk. J’ai écouté cet album en boucle et chaque fois je découvre des nouvelles punchlines. > L’album “Tant qu’on est là” : Avec une attitude alternative jusqu’au boutiste. Jeff Rosenstock // La belle découverte de ces derniers mois. Du putain de bon Punk Rock, indie. Que des tubes à chanter en choeur, comment fait-il ? :) > Le dernier album “No dream” est super : Johnny Montreuil // Blues Rock’n’Roll de banlieue, prolo alcoolo. Ça revendique tellement, les textes sont géniaux, libertaires. Quand on parlait de la marge, on y est :) > "Narvalos Forever", je peux pas me passer de cet album : Midnight Groovers // Magnifique Reggae Roots de la Dominique. Cet album a vraiment un caractère spécial. A écouter après une longue journée de boulot, tu voyages. > “Suffering” :"

19 Loka 202015min

Episode 7: Comment créer une radio?

Episode 7: Comment créer une radio?

Nous recevons aujourd'hui Yago Golaz de Radio Nord Vaudois ( qui nous explique comment fonder une radio web.

1 Loka 202010min