1. Realising
1. Realising

1. Realising

What do you do when you realise you’re non-binary? How do you come out to yourself? How do you find people like you?Caitlin Benedict is coming out. But before they begin, they need to really understand what it’s like to live as non-binary: to exist as neither completely male nor completely female in a world usually confined to two options. So Caitlin has enlisted the help of their friend and mentor Amrou, and together they set off for Brighton, and the Museum of Transology where curator EJ Scott shares his wisdom about life outside the gender binary, the incredible trans community in the UK, and how best to transport a pair of breasts. And Amrou takes Caitlin to meet their best friend, artist Victoria Sin.Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia CattWhat do you do when you realise you’re non-binary? How do you come out to yourself? How do you find people like you?Caitlin Benedict is coming out. But before they begin, they need to really understand what it’s like to live as non-binary: to exist as neither completely male nor completely female in a world usually confined to two options. So Caitlin has enlisted the help of their friend and mentor Amrou, and together they set off for Brighton, and the Museum of Transology where curator EJ Scott shares his wisdom about life outside the gender binary, the incredible trans community in the UK, and how best to transport a pair of breasts. And Amrou takes Caitlin to meet their best friend, artist Victoria Sin.Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt


8. Surviving and Thriving

8. Surviving and Thriving

Once you’ve come out, what’s next? How do you survive in a world of binaries? How do you do more than just survive?Caitlin and Amrou seek the wisdom and company of performer Travis Alabanza who shares their advice for finding joy in a world that is so often hostile to trans people. Podcaster Morgan M Page tells the hidden tales of trans people thriving throughout history. Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt

10 Huhti 201926min

7. Home

7. Home

How do you come out to your family? How do you learn to be real with the people you love? How do you take these conversations seriously when the beach is calling your name?Caitlin returns home to Australia and finally has The Conversation with their dad Paul. Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt

3 Huhti 201928min

6. Stories About Us

6. Stories About Us

Where do you look for stories about people like you? How do you make space to tell those stories? What does the future of trans representation look like?Caitlin and Amrou look at the thrilling and all too rare times that queer folks see themselves represented in books, on screen, and beyond. Drag artist and creator of The ShayShay Show, ShayShay, remembers the significance of Sailor Moon. Writer and host of the Food For Thot podcast, Dennis Norris II, imagines the future of queer representation. Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt

27 Maalis 201923min

5. Bodies

5. Bodies

How does gender dysphoria feel? What can you do to combat dysphoria? How can you learn to live in your body as a non-binary person? Caitlin and Amrou get into the messy business of bodies - tattoos, piercings, surgery, hormones, and somehow also octopus sex - with Trans Like Me author CN Lester. And author of Queer Sex, Juno Roche talks about finding themself beautiful, the process of having their vagina constructed, and living in a trans body. Caitlin bribes their partner Roman with tea in exchange for talking about the reality of supporting your partner through their coming out process, and some awkward stuff about boobs too.Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt

20 Maalis 201930min

4. Drag

4. Drag

What does drag mean for non-binary folk? If it’s not men dressed as women lip-sync’ing to Gloria Gaynor, what is it? What can you learn from drag when you’re exploring your own gender identity?Amrou takes Caitlin into the world of drag with fellow non-binary drag artists Crystale Rasmussen and Chiyo Gomes. Morgan M Page, history buff and host of trans history podcast One From The Vaults, reveals the radical history of drag.Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt

13 Maalis 201925min

3. The Look

3. The Look

How can you dress to reflect your gender identity? Does a haircut and a pair of trousers make all the difference? Is eyeshadow off limits all of a sudden?Caitlin and Amrou are joined by fashion icon and Fruitcake Magazine founding editor Jamie Windust for a trawl through the charity shops of a London suburb, and to explore the tyrannies and freedoms of presenting yourself exactly as you like - from dresses to neckties, from tucking to binding.

6 Maalis 201931min

2. Words

2. Words

How do you find the words for your gender? How do you ask for different pronouns? Would it be easier in French? Caitlin and Amrou make a pilgrimage to the legendary gay & lesbian bookshop Gay’s The Word to get into the language of gender with linguist and London Queer Muslims founder Martin Hasani DiMaggio. Caitlin asks their best mate Stephen for the sorely needed straight white male perspective on changing the pronouns you use for a friend.

27 Helmi 201926min

1. Realising

1. Realising

What do you do when you realise you’re non-binary? How do you come out to yourself? How do you find people like you?Caitlin Benedict is coming out. But before they begin, they need to really understand what it’s like to live as non-binary: to exist as neither completely male nor completely female in a world usually confined to two options. So Caitlin has enlisted the help of their friend and mentor Amrou, and together they set off for Brighton, and the Museum of Transology where curator EJ Scott shares his wisdom about life outside the gender binary, the incredible trans community in the UK, and how best to transport a pair of breasts. And Amrou takes Caitlin to meet their best friend, artist Victoria Sin.Presented by Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi Produced by Caitlin Benedict, Arlie Adlington and Georgia Catt

20 Helmi 201927min