Excerpt - The Halloween Moon by Joseph Fink
From New York Times bestselling author Joseph Fink (and creator of Welcome to Night Vale and Alice Isn’t Dead) comes a wickedly fun middle grade novel about a Halloween-obsessed girl named Esther Gold, who goes out trick-or-treating for one last year, only to find her town under the thrall of a mysterious presence. BOOK LAUNCH: July 27 @ 8pm ET with author Joseph Fink in conversation with Ransom Riggs. Pre-order the book here (https://www.welcometonightvale.com/books#halloweenmoon) to attend this event. THE HALLOWEEN MOON by Joseph Fink is available now at welcometonightvale.com/books or wherever it is you get your books.
26 Heinä 202136min

Alice Isn't Dead returns for one night only!
We released the final episode of Alice Isn’t Dead in 2018, and boy has some stuff happened since then. One of the things that has happened is that all the folks involved in making Alice Isn’t Dead have missed those characters and that world. So we are bringing it back, for one night only, on February 25 as a livestream performance. With Jasika Nicole and Roberta Colindrez performing the classic Alice Isn’t Dead episodes The Factory by the Sea and Badwater, along with live musical accompianment by Disparition. This is going to be a really special show, and we’re so excited to get to visit this world again with all of you. Tickets are pay what you want starting at $5, and the show can be viewed for up to a month after we perform it, which will be on February 25th at 8pm. I really hope you’ll join us as, for the first time in years, Keisha rides again. One more time, that link again: https://noonchorus.com/alice-isnt-dead/
2 Helmi 20211min

Live Ep: The Finish Line
A brand new live Alice story, performed at the Largo in Los Angeles earlier this year. Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – online or in your local bookstore today. Plus, check out our website for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own. Music & Production: Disparition, disparition.info. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, robwilsonwork.com. Part of the Night Vale Presents network.
15 Marras 201919min

Bonus: The Window & The Mirror
A compilation of short Alice Isn't Dead bonus episodes we made for our Patreon supporters, based on locations chosen by donors. Now that the Patreon is long since closed, we are making them free for everyone. Enjoy! Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totally reimagining of the story from the podcast – online or in your local bookstore today. Plus, check out our website for cool Alice Isn’t Dead t-shirts, pins, and posters you can own. Music & Production: Disparition, disparition.info. Written by Joseph Fink. Performed by Jasika Nicole. Logo by Rob Wilson, robwilsonwork.com. Part of the Night Vale Presents network.
15 Loka 201915min

Start With This: Idea to Execution
A brand new podcast from Night Vale Presents co-founders Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This, a podcast gone creativity playground designed to put your ideas in motion. Each episode centers around a topic from world building, to opening lines, and even failure. Then they give listeners two short assignments: something to consume and something to create. The best way to start writing is to start writing. Not sure where to begin? Start With This. To keep listening to Start With This, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. There’s natural talent, and then there’s practice. You can only control that last bit. Joseph and Jeffrey talk building habits of creation so that starting projects gets into your muscle memory. Consume: Check out Jonathan Mann’s Song A Day Youtube channel. Jonathan’s been writing and recording a song a day for over 3,000 days— it’s the ultimate example of flexing the habit of creation. Create: Pick an idea that you’ve had for a while. Take exactly 1 hour to work on it exclusively. This can be one continuous hour, or 30 minutes for two days, or 10 minutes for six days. Then put it out there (written or recorded) on our Membership Community, your website, or shout it to a bird from your porch. Consider this your first try of many at this idea. Join the SWT Membership community to see what other listeners are making: https://www.patreon.com/startwiththis Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Julia Melfi (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Produced by Night Vale Presents. http://www.startwiththispodcast.com http://www.nightvalepresents.com
25 Maalis 201934min

More Alice Isn't Dead and a brand new podcast!
Come see a brand new Alice Isn’t Dead live show, along with performances from Within the Wires and Welcome to Night Vale’s the Faceless Old Woman, at the Largo in LA on April 27! Tickets available now: https://wl.seetickets.us/event/Night-Vale-Presents/381517?afflky=LargoAtTheCoronet Listen to Joseph Fink’s new podcast with his Welcome to Night Vale co-creator Jeffrey Cranor: Start With This. Start With This is a show designed to get you thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, making art. Normally, Joseph and Jeffrey are the ones turning their ideas into stories. But for this podcast, it’s you who will do the writing, one short and simple assignment at a time. Because the best way to start writing is to start writing. Subscribe today: http://startwiththispodcast.com
8 Maalis 20194min

Dear Reader
A short letter to the reader that didn’t make it into the final version of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel. Thanks so much for going on this road trip with us. You can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel right now online or in your local independent book store: http://aliceisntdead.com/#novel Don’t miss Joseph Fink on the 18-city Alice Isn’t Dead book tour, starting tonight in Brooklyn: http://aliceisntdead.com/#book-tour
30 Loka 20185min

Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 4
Just one week until the Alice Isn’t Dead novel is released! Enjoy this excerpt from the audiobook, read by Jasika Nicole. Pre-order the novel right here, and don’t forget to check out our 18-city book tour, which kicks off in Brooklyn on October 30. Check out aliceisntdead.com for more information about our show.
23 Loka 201810min