Greetings to you!
Welcome to my podcast journal where I share my awakening from my narcissist induced nightmare! I go by Ha'Rainna on the interwebs.
You may ben wondering what hornswoggle means? Well it is a synonym to bamboozled. Bamboozled is how I feel , Hornswoggled means “to trick or deceive (someone)” and ohhh let me tell you. I have definitely been Hornswoggled! And if you are here, there's a chance you may have been too, or you know someone who has, or you just really wanted to know what hornswoggled meant :) Either way you are welcome here!
I will start right off , sharing a bit about myself.
I am not a therapist, a counselor, or even a life coach. I am just a freshly 40 year old woman who is a wife and a mom of 2 and currently waking up from a nightmare I didn't know I was having. You see? If you were to ask me if I had a good childhood, I would have answered you yes. It had its ups and downs as much as anyone else's . Nothing stood out as abnormal as far as I could tell, or did it? I'm not sure now. Now I question everything.
I thought about how to start this journal entry of sorts, and i decided chronological just would do. I might as well start from the day all of the puzzle pieces fit together and things really started to make sense.
Listen to start the journey with me!
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18 Tammi 202018min