✨ You Showed UP✨
Things will absolutely get better… Allow yourself to feel, heal and grieve. Your vulnerability is your strength! Take yourself out of dress rehearsal! You don’t need to perform for anyone, just get healthy and allow yourself to sit in uncomfortable spaces. If you do experience depression on a regular basis, I’m proud of you for showing up today. #RockPaperScissorsFoundation #KristalKlear #Seasonaldepression #mentalhealthmatters #healingjourney
24 Marras 202210min

Vulnerability is where your healing begins.
19 Kesä 20227min

Situational Trauma
If you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, that’s normal. Make sure you take time to identify what your needs are. I love you #KristalKlear 💚
25 Touko 202213min

Self Control ✨
Just stay calm, you got this! #KristalKlear
3 Touko 202210min

The truth around your Mental Health Time to get REAL! #KristalKlear
25 Huhti 202215min

Ghosted But Still Qualified
Ghosted is a term often used in the dating world. However, we can find ourselves being ghosted in other areas of life from Friendships, to Work environments and even Churches. The Ghosting culture can often lead you to feel you aren’t enough- I’m here to tell you don’t feed into the lie. You are qualified… No matter who walks away.
23 Maalis 202220min

Delayed Obedience Is still Disobedience!
This is what I know to be true, healing is a daily process. It’s A JOURNEY. Deliverance and healing doesn’t always happen overnight. It’s not a sweep you up and done and nothing else to worry about. •You have to make an intentional daily choice to use your tools. •You have to choose to face the things that you’re going through, to sit with it and look at the hurt •You have and accept that IT #triumphovertrauma #KristalKlear
24 Helmi 202218min

✨ Human Trafficking Awareness ✨
Once you realize that Human Trafficking is happen- ing in your own backyard, you will understand the urgency of your needing to be fully equipped and educated. Human trafficking does not discriminate. It doesn’t have a color, size, gender, shape or type. It could easily be your niece, daughter, son, neigh- bor or a coworker. It’s not limited to girls and boys that are on a destructive path, it’s a very real thing that could happen to anyone who might find them- selves in the right place at the wrong time. ✨Trigger Alert ✨www.RockPaperScissorsFoundation.org ✨Www.KristalKlear.org✨
11 Tammi 202217min