2wO Best Friends
2wO Best Friends

2wO Best Friends

Who doesn't have a best friend?! 2 best friends, 20+ years of stories that you wouldn't believe. Or maybe you would - because it'll probably sound like the stories you'd tell with your best friend. From high school to college, and Vegas to voice messages, you're in for a ride. Sure it's sophomoric... but what more would you expect from 2wOBestFriends?Who doesn't have a best friend?! 2 best friends, 20+ years of stories that you wouldn't believe. Or maybe you would - because it'll probably sound like the stories you'd tell with your best friend. From high school to college, and Vegas to voice messages, you're in for a ride. Sure it's sophomoric... but what more would you expect from 2wOBestFriends?

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Ep 11: Back from Vacation

Ep 11: Back from Vacation

The 2wO Best Friends are back from vacations and stay-cations. Johnny talks about his unbelievable time in Amsterdam and Jay has a freaky home vacation! You gotta listen to this!

19 Syys 201828min

Ep 10: The Best of the 2wO Best Friends - Las Vegas

Ep 10: The Best of the 2wO Best Friends - Las Vegas

The 2wO Best Friends present the Best of Las Vegas! All of the unreal stories from Las Vegas up until now all in one episode! If you haven't heard them, get caught up because there's more to come!

5 Syys 201839min

Ep 9: Monorail

Ep 9: Monorail

The 2wO Best Friends take you on another trip to Vegas, this time courtesy of a monorail. One of the most epic 2w0 stories you'll hear!

29 Elo 201829min

Ep 8: Reverse Music Trivia

Ep 8: Reverse Music Trivia

The 2w0 Best Friends are back this week and healthy! Today we review the top 10 most influential people OF ALL TIME and play a new game like only the 2w0 Best Friends can.

22 Elo 201826min

Ep 7: In the Hospital

Ep 7: In the Hospital

One of the 2wO Best Friends lands in the hospital! We capture the fall out in this episode!

15 Elo 20187min

Ep 6: The American Cockroach

Ep 6: The American Cockroach

The 2w0 Best Friends drop serious knowledge on you in this episode during a serious roach infestation! That's dedication!

8 Elo 201831min

Ep 5: Law & Order, Producers, & Audibles

Ep 5: Law & Order, Producers, & Audibles

2wo Best Friends' search for a new producer comes to an end. Also, 2wO Best Friends explain to you how to call the college audible. It's not what you think!

1 Elo 201827min

Ep 4: The Rematch

Ep 4: The Rematch

We're now on iTunes, Apple Podcast and Soundcloud! Mitch Slap Trivia II. Does Johnny get his revenge ?! There's a couple of reasons why you'll never forget this episode!

25 Heinä 201830min

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