80's Music Rewind
80's Music Rewind

80's Music Rewind

Join us, Ruth and Lori, as we discuss 80's music and culture as only two friends who have been friends growing up in the in the 80's can. We talk about their favorite songs, stories about these songs and throw in some random trivia and lots of laughs in between.Join us, Ruth and Lori, as we discuss 80's music and culture as only two friends who have been friends growing up in the in the 80's can. We talk about their favorite songs, stories about these songs and throw in some random trivia and lots of laughs in between.


Billboard Top 50-25 Songs June 18 1988 #80s music

Billboard Top 50-25 Songs June 18 1988 #80s music

Send us a text Top 50-25 songs for June 18 1988 according to Billboard. Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

4 Maalis 22min

Best Love Songs from 1987 #80smusic

Best Love Songs from 1987 #80smusic

Send us a text Love songs from 1987--do you think these are the best? #80smusicrewind #80smusic Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

25 Helmi 40min

Billboard Top 100 74-51 June 18 1988 #80smusicrewind.

Billboard Top 100 74-51 June 18 1988 #80smusicrewind.

Send us a text Lori and I discuss the songs we liked (and didn't ) off of the Billboard top 100 charts 74-51 June 18 1988 . Some really great songs and some really strong opinions on here... Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

6 Helmi 25min

June 18 1988 Top 100-75 sSongs Hot 100 Chart #80smusic

June 18 1988 Top 100-75 sSongs Hot 100 Chart #80smusic

Send us a text Thanks to a new computer and some time to breathe, we are BACK. Enjoy the top 100-75 songs from the hot 100 chart for June 18 1988. Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

14 Joulu 202433min

Should Bon Jovi Say Goodnight? #thebonjovisstory

Should Bon Jovi Say Goodnight? #thebonjovisstory

Send us a text In this episode we discuss the Hulu documentary series, Thank you, Goodnight, The Bon Jovi Story. We also go through a cursory listen to their new album, Forever. #bonjovi bonjovi, forever,hulu,thank you goodnight, 80s music rewind Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

22 Kesä 202438min

Growing Up X Exhibit- let's talk Generation X #80smusicrewind Special Epsiode

Growing Up X Exhibit- let's talk Generation X #80smusicrewind Special Epsiode

Send us a text Lori and I went to the Growing up X exhibit in Lockport, IL this week and decided to take you with us as we walked through. The exhibits brought back so many great memories. From old magazine covers we all remembered (Remember the Challenger Explosion? Did anyone else see that DURING school?), to Baby Jessica in a well, to all the books we read, the phones we used, the computers we used, our gaming systems and most of all... the furniture we sat on. There were the clothe...

6 Kesä 202418min

Love Songs from 1989 #80smusicrewind #80smusic

Love Songs from 1989 #80smusicrewind #80smusic

Send us a text Again, we ask ourselves if these are really love songs. Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

29 Touko 202427min

Children's Songs of the 1980's! #80smusic

Children's Songs of the 1980's! #80smusic

Send us a text We had a request to cover a certain popular Children's song artist from the 1980's. And we talk about how we found a concert to go to.. slim pickings this year! Support the show You can find us on Facebook at 80smusicrewind, and Instagram @80smusicrewind!

24 Touko 202439min