Episode #9: Third Base Ministry? Or Running The Bases?
[Episode #9] Please join us for our next broadcast of A Lutheran Layman in an episode we're calling "Third Base Ministry? Or Running The Bases?" during which we'll be discussing... * A Review of Chapter 4 From Pastor Rodney E. Zwonitzer's 2002 Book Titled Testing The Claims of Church Growth I love Major League Baseball! Now that the 2014 MLB Regular Season is officially underway, I thought it would be the perfect time to do a quick review of Pastor Zwonitzer's classic book on the "Church Growth," "Contemporary Worship," "Emergent," "Missional," and "Purpose Driven" churches and movements in this country by focusing in on one chapter in particular that contains one of the best sermons (by way of one of the best analogies) that I've ever come across in my life to describe the Christian faith and life. Of course, we'll take your comments and questions on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Intro Theme; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Worldview Everlasting; Boars In The Vineyard; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings And Expositor Commentary From ESV Lutheran Study Bible Unless Otherwise Noted]
4 Huhti 20141h 28min

Episode #8: Ribs And Kidney Stones
[Episode #8] Please join us for our next broadcast of A Lutheran Layman in an episode we're calling "Ribs And Kidney Stones" during which we'll be discussing... *- "Kids Say The Darndest Things..." My 7.5 year old daughter who's in 3rd Grade had me ROTFL (that's "Rolling On The Floor Laughing") the other day! *- "Small Groups Or Small Catechism" By Rev. Lucas Woodford *- Quickly Read And Review Genesis 2:18-25 Adam and Eve *- "Teaching The Faith" By Pastor Daniel Hinton *- "Brainwashing Our Children?" By Pastor Eric Andersen *- "The Catechism: Learning God's Word By Heart" Pastor Shawn Stafford *- "Raising Children In The Church" From Grace Lutheran Church In Parker, CO *- Martin Luther On Teaching God's Word To Children Of course, we'll take your comments and questions on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Intro Theme; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Worldview Everlasting; Boars In The Vineyard; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings And Expositor Commentary From ESV Lutheran Study Bible Unless Otherwise Noted]
3 Huhti 20142h 2min

Episode #7: You Can't Do That! That Was An Illegal Use of The Law!
[Episode #7] Please join us for our next broadcast of A Lutheran Layman in an episode we're calling "You Can't Do That! That Was An Illegal Use of The Law!" during which we'll be discussing... "The Truth Serum: VDMA Lutheran Style" A new approach and/or segment of sorts, this is where we take an old (and by "old" I mean at least 2 or more years old) article, Bible study, commentary, or sermon from a Lutheran Pastor and actually share it with you in its entirety because we believe it's THAT GOOD and worth the time you'll spend treating your ears to it. Today, we look at an old article written by Table Talk Radio's Bryan Wolfmueller titled "Five Illegal Uses of The Law" (http://www.hope-aurora.org/pages/NewIllegalUseoftheLaw) that has helped me tremendously in properly understanding our Lutheran confession of "the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3). The good news? There's no question this will be the shortest podcast we've recorded to date, but it won't pull any punches either. So, grab your Bible and settle in for a little does of "The Truth Serum: VDMA Lutheran Style"! Of course, we'll take your comments, questions, and prayer requests on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Intro Theme; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings From ESV Unless Otherwise Noted]
7 Maalis 201438min

Episode #6: Losing My Vocation (But Not Losing Faith In Jesus)
[Episode #6] Please join us for our next broadcast of A Lutheran Layman in an episode we're calling "Losing My Vocation (But Not Losing My Faith In Jesus)" during which we'll be discussing... "News With A Lutheran Layman's Views" Story of The Week: What's The #1 Feature of A 'Meaningess' Job? (LinkedIn) My thoughts on the Doctrine of Vocation and the nature of faith after losing my job unexpectedly... "Apologetics Q&A The Lutheran Way" Catechisis: Answers To Common Criticisms, Objections, Questions. What We BELIEVE, TEACH, and CONFESS As Confessional Lutherans. Not Just WHAT We Believe, But WHY We Believe It, and HOW To Confess It To Others In Our Lives... Question #1: What Is God's Will For Your Daily Life? Question #2: Does Losing My Vocation Mean I'm Losing My Faith Or Jesus? (The Doctrine of Vocation And How It Is Different From What American Evangelicalism Believes And Teaches; "Locus And Focus"; It Is Written - 1 Peter 2:13-25 Submission: Like A Boss!) Of course, we'll take your comments, questions, and prayer requests on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Intro Theme; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings From ESV Unless Otherwise Noted]
28 Helmi 20142h 32min

Episode #5: Who Am I? Where Am I? And Am I Working Hard Or Hardly Working!?!
[Episode #5] Please join us for our next broadcast of Just A Lutheran Layman in an episode we're calling "Who Am I? Where Am I? And Am I Working Hard Or Hardly Working!?!"... "News With A Lutheran Layman's Views" Story of the Week: Do You Know The Ultra Sound of Sin? (A Brief Christian Commentary On Abortion 41 Years After Roe v. Wade) (The Controversy Involving The LCMS And Thrivent Financial) "Apologetics Q&A The Lutheran Way" Catechisis: Answers To Common Criticisms, Objections, Questions. What We BELIEVE, TEACH, and CONFESS As Confessional Lutherans. Not Just WHAT We Believe, But WHY We Believe It, and HOW To Confess It To Others In Our Lives... Question #1: What Is God's Will For Your Daily Life? The Doctrine of Vocation And How It Is Different From What American Evangelicalism Believes And Teaches Question #2: Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations!?! "What Does The Wolf Say?" Calling Out The Wolves In Sheep's Clothing... David Platt A Wolf? Of course, we'll take your comments, questions, and prayer requests on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Intro Theme; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings From ESV Unless Otherwise Noted]
13 Helmi 20142h 12min

Episode #4: Things Christians Say (But Shouldn't)
[Episode #4] Please join us for our next broadcast of A Lutheran Layman where we'll spend some time discussing the following (in no particular order) in an episode we're calling "Things Christians Say (But Shouldn't)"... * "Prayers And Patristic Quotes" A Prayer from my Lutheran Book of Prayer and a quote from C.F.W. Walther to help set the tone... * "Homilies, Sermons, And Bible Readings Oh My!" A new feature! Today, we take a look at a 2007 piece written by Pastor Todd Wilken from Issues, Etc. titled "Things Christians Say (But Shouldn't): How Christian Cliches Show And Shape What They Really Believe" and if you're anything like me, then you'll cringe once you realize how many cliches come out of our mouths that we never think about, but that are certainly un-Biblical. (CHRISTIAN CLICHES: "WWJD?"/"What Would Jesus Do?"; "The J-Word"; "Selling Books To Christians: The Gerund"; "The 'Person' In 'Personal'"; "Jesus, Be My Valentine!"; "Works, Not Faith"; "A Church Of, By, And For...Boomers"; "The Pattern of Sound Words") Of course, we'll take your comments, questions, and prayer requests on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Introduction; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings From ESV Unless Otherwise Noted]
9 Helmi 20141h 24min

Episode #3: Super Bowl Betting A Super Sin Worse Than The Ultra Sound of Sin?
[Episode #3] Please join us for our next broadcast of Just A Lutheran Layman where we'll spend some time discussing the following (in no particular order) in an episode we're calling "Super Bowl Betting A Super Sin Worse Than The Ultra Sound of Sin?"... * "Prayers And Patristic Quotes" (Introducing A New Feature!) * "News With A Lutheran Layman's Views" (Story of the Week: Do You Know The Ultra Sound of Sin?) (A Brief Christian Commentary On Abortion 41 Years After Roe v. Wade) (LCMS And Thrivent Financial) * "Apologetics Q&A The Lutheran Way" (Catechisis: Answers To Common Criticisms, Objections, Questions) (What We BELIEVE, TEACH, and CONFESS As Confessional Lutherans) (Not Just WHAT We Believe, But WHY We Believe It) (Question #1: What Does The Bible Say About Betting/Gambling?) (Question #2: Lutheran Schools Week - Why Lutheran Schools/Teachers?) (Question #3: Lutheran Schools Week - Should Laymen Lead Chapel Services At Lutheran Schools?) Of course, we'll take your comments, questions, and prayer requests on-air as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes From Table Talk Radio As Part of Introduction; YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Concordia Publishing House Promotional Sound Bytes] [NOTE: All Bible Readings From ESV Unless Otherwise Noted]
29 Tammi 20141h 45min

Episode #2: Take Your 'SoulPulse' If You Want, But Sheep Don't Keep Track!
[Episode #2] Please join us for our next broadcast of Just A Lutheran Layman where we'll spend some time discussing the following... * "News With A Lutheran Layman's Views" (Story of the Week: 'SoulPulse' App) * "Sheep Don't Keep Track" By Todd Wilken (Bible Exposition: Parable of the Sheep and Goats) * What Does Punctuation And Math Tell Us About The Gospel? (One of my favorite blog posts by Pastor Matt Richard!) * "What Does The Wolf Say?" (Forget about the fox! We'll help you identify who the "wolves in sheep's clothing" are and to discern what they're saying...) * "Apologetics Q&A The Lutheran Way" (Catechisis: Answers To Common Criticisms, Objections, Questions) (Question #1: On What Should We Base Our Assurance of Salvation?) (Question #2: Will Our Souls Be With God When We Die?) (Question #3: Does The Athanasian Creed Promote That Our "Good Works" Save? Of course, we'll take your comments, questions, and prayer requests as time permits. You can send me your questions or comments to: info@lutheranlayman.com or @LutheranLayman [AUDIO: "Bittersweet Symphony" Instrumental; "Wedding Song" By City Harmonic; Some Additional Sound Bytes from Table Talk Radio, YouTube Clips From Public Domain; Concordia Publishing House] [NOTE: All Bible readings from ESV unless otherwise noted]
22 Tammi 20142h 17min