Are Business Schools Still Relevant? - Prof John Board
In our fast changing, ever evolving world, it needs to be asked: Are business schools and the insights they offer still relevant? During this discussion between Prof John Board, Jon Foster-Pedley, and Gareth Armstrong, important insights are offered when considering this question.
23 Marras 201838min

Can Mindfulness Improve Business? - Gelong Thubten
During this #HenleyAfrica conversation between Buddhist Monk, Gelong Thubten, and Dean of Henley Business School - Africa, Jon Foster-Pedley, explores the relationship between mindfulness and meditation, and increased profitability of our businesses. Put away your preconceived notions of what this is and have a listen - you'll be surprised by what you learn. Henley Podcast Page
18 Loka 201825min

Is There A Formula To Succession? - Ashnie Muthusamy
Ashnie Muthusamy, a +20yr HR veteran practitioner and Group Talent Manager for Sun International, says there are "DEFINITE “DO’S” AND DETRIMENTAL “DON’TS” ". Gareth Armstrong and Ashnie discuss these along with other important changes being felt in the HR field, much of which is related to advances in AI and robotics. Listen to find out more. Henley Podcast Page
10 Loka 201834min

Reimagining South Africa - Dr Mamphela Ramphele
"We are at a pivotal moment in our history. We have all the ingredients for success. The choice is ours – whether we recommit to re-imagining our country into the great society it can become, or continue to hesitate at the threshold of a new, brighter future." Dr Mamphela Ramphele and Jon Foster-Pedley discuss what this means and what must be done in order to achieve our incredible potential. Don't miss this important conversation. Henley Podcast Page
4 Loka 201856min

Audio Article: How We Can All Resist State Capture
"The greatest damage, though, has been the collusion of business in this rot to the extent that ethics have been sacrificed on the altar of turnover." An article by Dean of #HenleyAfrica, Jon Foster-Pedley, published in The Star Newspaper - 12th March 2018. Article Page
3 Elo 20186min

South Africa's Jimi Hendrix - Dan Patlansky
How did Jozi-boy, Dan Patlansky, rise to be considered one of the top five guitarists in the world? Listen to this massively insightful #HenleyIntelligence conversation as Jon and Dan discuss rankings and ratings, the creative process, drug use, talent, and more. Henley Podcast Page
19 Heinä 20181h

Is OUTA The Answer? ft. Wayne Duvenage
Does OUTA have the resources and the teeth to really make a difference? We explore the answer to this question and more with the CEO of the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, Wayne Duvenage, who elaborates on the ongoing developments, successes, and opportunities made available to the public through their efforts. Henley Podcast Page
9 Heinä 201848min

Helena Dolny - Conversations We Fear To Have
“We suffer more because of conversations we didn’t have.” - During this fascinating conversation with a woman who has done so very much in her life, Jon Foster-Pedley talks to Helena Dolny about what she describes as her “gift” – the ability to sit with and empathise with those that are dying. More than just a discussion around death though, this insightful and hugely worthwhile dialogue highlights that there is [skip to 21min] “ultimate personal leadership” that is found only in the last days of one’s life – Helena’s position is that amazing leaders like her late husband, Joe Slovo, or Nelson Mandela, whom she knew personally, didn’t get this right. If you want to know what she means by this, how talking about death causes one live longer (with a case study), and more, take a listen to this wonderful exchange
7 Elo 201745min