MisHandled is my journal of marital lies, deceit and betrayal; how the impact of these violations affected me Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. Many women live in silence in a marriage full of violations from their spouse, the person that vowed to cherish, honor and love you. I'm looking for individuals who are Mentally, Physically and Spiritually broken by their spouse’s violations and ready to HEAL inside and out. www.mishandledwife.club #marriage #divorce #blacklove #cheat #relationshipMisHandled is my journal of marital lies, deceit and betrayal; how the impact of these violations affected me Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. Many women live in silence in a marriage full of violations from their spouse, the person that vowed to cherish, honor and love you. I'm looking for individuals who are Mentally, Physically and Spiritually broken by their spouse’s violations and ready to HEAL inside and out. www.mishandledwife.club #marriage #divorce #blacklove #cheat #relationship


Living With STD/I - Herpes

Living With STD/I - Herpes

MisHandled special guest is @CoachBelize, Belize Spivey is a STD Life Coach who has been living with genital herpes for 11 years, recently featured in Essence magazine and a herpes advocate for 6 years. She teaches how to navigate through your herpes diagnosis to develop inner confidence after. Coach Belize's contact information: www.stdlifecoach.com IG @coachbelize Being MisHandled by your spouse with infidelity which opens doors for STD and more, causes your wife to have Mental, Physical and Spiritual questions, doubt and much more. #mishandled #mishandledwife #realtalkwitharetha #marriage #relationship

13 Loka 202152min

Love Lies From Your Spouse

Love Lies From Your Spouse

Did you know your spouse was out here telling LIES about you to females to get their coochy or start a romantic relationship? Did you know your spouse was LYING to you to get away to wine and dine other females or males? Why are LIES even in a marriage? You do know it's all part of being MisHandled! How do you feel when you find out that your spouse has lied to you? Why do we accept the lies and continue on in life like nothing happened? Is lying a normal acceptable way of living, if so why? Visit our website www.mishandled.club order your MisHandled journal and let's start our homework to finding the answers to the above questions. #mishandledthebrand #mishandled #marriage #marriagelies #cheatingspouse #lyingspouse #relationship #divorce #blacklove #friendship #realtalktuesdaywitharetha #mishandledmentally #mishandledphysically #mishandledspiritually #healilngfrommishandled #releasemendgloow

19 Huhti 202153min

Cheating In A Marriage: Swingers

Cheating In A Marriage: Swingers

I talk about introducing swinger lifestyle to my spouse but it still didn't stop lies, deceit and betrayal of cheating. It goes to show trying to give the world to your spouse it will never be enough. I don't know if it's just greed, king of the jungle fever, out to conquer the world (lots of women) or fighting spirits Whatever the cause may be, all it takes is a conversation no matter how hard or how much it will hurt. A conversation of honesty is better than begin caught up in lies, deceit and betrayal from your spouse. #Mishandled treatment is unfair and unnecessary behavior. #realtalkwitharetha #mishandledbrand

6 Huhti 202127min

Cheating In A Marriage: Emotions

Cheating In A Marriage: Emotions

After finding out about the lies, deceit and betrayal from cheating you embark on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. From being in love and head over heels to anger, upset, dirty and many more. #mishandled #realtalkwitharetha #cheatingspouse #blacklove #marriage #relationship #love #deceit #betrayal #husband #wife @mentalhealthissexy #mentalhealthissexy

31 Maalis 20211h 3min

CHEATING In A Marriage: What do you consider cheating?

CHEATING In A Marriage: What do you consider cheating?

Season 1 Episode 11 What is cheating to you? A wink, a smile, flirting, texting, sexting, buying a drink for someone. Doing these things and your spouse has no clue you're entertaining someone in this matter; are you cheating? Okay, let's just get to it, you're sleeping with someone once, twice or regularly and your spouse don't know about it; are you cheating? Oh, I forgot we have a new word called, "entanglement" is that what's going on! Is it not still CHEATING? Did you and your spouse ever talk about what defines cheating before you got married or while in your marriage? Do you talk about cheating after you got caught or just continued living life as usual? You do know she still hurting from you cheating, ijs. I think I'm bringing some eye opening facts about cheating, things you may think is just everyday behavior but what really leads up to cheating. Feel free to leave a voice message, I'll love to hear from you. #mishandled #relationships #marriage #divorce #weddingvows #lovelies #cheating #realtalktuesdaywitharetha #cheatinghusband #cheatingspouse #love #entanglement #MisHandled #releasemendgloow

21 Maalis 202124min

Mental Health Is Sexy with Coach Vee Micthell-Palmer

Mental Health Is Sexy with Coach Vee Micthell-Palmer

As I'm healing on my personal journal of being MisHandled by my husband, I noticed the importance of finding help for my mental health. The playback of all that has happen, all the words spoken and yelled while in a heated conversation affects your mental thoughts of self, your actions, self worth, self esteem, your judgement and your spiritual prayers. My special guest Vee Mitchell-Palmer, author of Renew Your Mind: Take Charge Of Your Mental Health and creator of "Mental Health Is Sexy" brand talks with me today about alternative ways of coping with Mental Health issues. She's here to change the narrative within the community and people perspective of Mental Health cause is Sexy to be aware when help is needed and knowing all forms of healing. #MisHandled #mishandldedmentally #mishandledphysically #mishandledspiritually #healingfrommishandled #mishandledspouse #mishandledwife #cheatinghusband #cheatingspouse #mentalheathissexy #coachveemitchellpalmer #renewyourmind #selfcarefrommishandled #selfcardfrommishandled #marriage #divorce #relationship #couplejournal

31 Joulu 202053min

Wedding VOWS, do we really honor them?

Wedding VOWS, do we really honor them?

Wedding vows are so important but we treat them like nothing. Its your promise, your contract spoken aloud to your future spouse amongst your family, friends and God. Declaring your LOVE but do we really honor the VOWS? #mishandled #selfcarefrommishandled #MisHandled #mishandledmentally #mishandledphysically #mishandledspiritually #RealTalkTuesdaywithAretha #healingfrommishandled #overcomingmishandled #Mishandled2020 #releasehealgloow #ReleaseMendGloow #mishandledthrutheyears #vitalityfrommishandled #selfcareAretha #CouplesJournal #RealAdultTalk #relationships #tabletalk #marriage #divorce

16 Syys 202026min

My Emotional Impact Of Your Lies, Deceit and Betrayal

My Emotional Impact Of Your Lies, Deceit and Betrayal

My mental, physical and spiritual emotions are high this week. Missing the touch, a kiss, the laughter, the midnight rides even if knowing now it was all a lie. I MISS my life. When you were planning your escapades to cheat you never thought about the emotions of your WIFE when the true you would be revealed. Mental my mind is full of questions but you continue to lie to me. Physical my body yearning to be touch cause your all I've known for many many years. Spiritual, Lord what is going on? Where have I fallen? These emotions are running deep this week in me. #mishandled #MisHandled #mishandledmentally #mishandledphysically #mishandledspiritually #RealTalkTuesdaywithAretha #healingfrommishandled #overcomingmishandled #Mishandled2020 #releasehealgloow #ReleaseMendGloow #mishandledthrutheyears #CouplesJournal #RealAdultTalk #relationships #tabletalk #marriage #divorce #marriagecounseling

21 Elo 202021min