Season 2_Episode 04: A Different Thankful Perspective
Hey Sis! As we embrace this season of Thanksgiving, I would like for you to look at it in from a different perspective. As long as you can have a glimpse of hope, an ounce of fight and a pinch of faith, Be Thankful because then you can begin to strengthen those areas so that you can become stronger and stronger.
24 Marras 202310min

Season 2_Episode 03: Sack of Ish Moment
Hey Sis! Those Sack of Ish Moments are designed to make you remember the decision you made to get there and making sure you will not make that same decision again under those circumstances to get those same results. This podcast will help you start writing your next Chapter in the book of your life called “Freedom.”
10 Marras 202311min

Season 2_Episode 02: Guard Your Gates!
Hey Sis! Guard Your Natural and Spiritual Gates!! A gatekeeper monitors or oversees the actions of others; a “watchperson” who sees, hears, looks, and listens, in order to protect something or someone. Learn how to start protecting yourself and how to Guard Your Gates.
27 Loka 202319min

Season 2_Episode 01: More is What You Were Created For!
More is what you are made for which means you are not by any means average or “normal”. Don’t let obstacles, roadblocks or detours deter you from receiving your “More”. This episode will give you 9 things to considered to help you recognize how important it is to really understand why you are made for more.
13 Loka 202326min

Episode 25: We’re All One and the Same!
This episode will walk through the perspectives on feeling truly good about yourself by loving the person you unconditionally are, inside and out. Knowing that being loved and feeling loved starts with you knowing how and what that looks like for you. And knowing your values are centered around the things that you believe are important in the way you live and exist.
26 Joulu 202210min

Episode 24: Broaden Your Horizon!
In talking about broadening one’s horizon, it is to increase your interests, skills, understanding, proficiency, knowledge and experience beyond where you currently are in life, your range of perceptions in life, your range of discernments in life, and your range of insights in life. This episode will give you 9 ways to help you learn how important it is to broaden your horizons.
28 Marras 202211min

Episode 23: Just Like The Pearl!
Being just like the Pearl is a badge of Honor, Triumph, Victory and Accomplishments! A pearl is formed by forming lustrous layer upon layers as a defense mechanism against irritants and parasites. Take a listen to this episode to learn how to use your defense mechanisms to coat the irritants and parasites in your life adding layers upon layers until you are a radiant pearl.
5 Syys 202210min

Episode 22: Reset -Refocus -Readjust -Restart!
You can’t always control Life’s Uncertainties or the Challenges of Life or the many Obstacles life sometimes throw your way. However, you can control how you Coach and Play the game of Life by deciding to be the Coach of your life and call the plays, choose the game you want to play in and the ones you need to forfeit. You also can Reset, Refocus, Readjust and/or Restart HOWEVER many times you have to or need to. This episode will help you decide.
22 Elo 20229min