Episode 6
Episode 6
A Knitter's Blog20 Jan 2016

Episode 6

Wacky weather and update on a few projects... Catch up on this week's activities! Watch on Youtube so you can check out the naked kittens!Wacky weather and update on a few projects... Catch up on this week's activities! Watch on Youtube so you can check out the naked kittens!


Episode 10

Episode 10

After a 5 month long hiatus, finally back to recording! Enjoy the time as I catch up on what I have been up to these days!

1 Aug 201616min

Episode 9

Episode 9

Just a getting back into the groove of things after a LONG week. Worked my arse off and just now had the energy to record. Enjoy this week!

17 Feb 201612min

Episode 8

Episode 8

Feeling much better this week! Finally got around to recording, working late a lot. Update on wips, FOs and COs. Unveiling of a package that arrived today, so excited. Enjoy!

5 Feb 201616min

Episode 7

Episode 7

Sick as all.. Sorry for the nasal tragedy which is currently my voice.. or maybe some alien creature that has decided to inhabit my body for the next few days.. Regardless, here it is. Your rambling for the week. Off to have more tea....

27 Jan 201617min

Episode 6

Episode 6

Wacky weather and update on a few projects... Catch up on this week's activities! Watch on Youtube so you can check out the naked kittens!

20 Jan 201612min

Episode 5.5

Episode 5.5

This is a quick tutorial on how to knit NOT SEW the Kitchener Stich. Great way to close socks, beanies, and other items which usually require sewing to close.... I know there are many other knitters out there that HATE sewing like I do so here's a fix!

15 Jan 20166min

Episode 5

Episode 5

Just a quick video about the past week! Introducing our newest member of our wee family. Update on wips, FO, and stash updates. Enjoy!

15 Jan 201612min

Episode 4

Episode 4

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Just the usual wips, hauls, finishes and the like. So ready for this year!! Knitting is taking over everything!

15 Jan 201618min