I share about being given an extra $10 from the cash machine at the grocery store and how I was clear on that being a distraction! I'm asking God for millions and I don't intend to get that $10 at a time....that's not who my God is!....
30 Sep 202112min

Watch God Do a New Thing!
He makes a way in the wilderness and a stream in the wasteland! God sees our circumstances in a way that we never could. He's not limited by our limitations....If only we could see ourselves and our situations as God sees them.
24 Feb 20218min

Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God!
As we begin Lent, a season of reflection and renewal, let us start within and work our way out. Let us start with God, who is our Lord and Creator, and as for a new beginning....a mulligan...a chance to get it right again. Thankfully, He doesn't get tired of us, and loves us in spite of and because of our mess!
17 Feb 20218min

Easter Sunday!
Alleluia! The Lord is Risen! We can face all of our trials, tribulations, sorrows, and more because of Jesus. He died, was buried and rose again for you and me! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!
13 Apr 20201min

Maundy Thursday
This is a hard day for Christians as Jesus was intimate with his disciples by eating together, washing feet and just being together... even as one of them betrayed Him even unto death...
9 Apr 20203min

Tuesday of Holy Week
Jesus was committed to the struggle. Even when he knew his destiny of death was soon to be fulfilled, he was still out there raising people from the dead and being unbothered by betrayal. In the hardest of times, Jesus knew the key was keeping His eye on God. What are you doing in the hardest of times?!...
7 Apr 20203min

Monday in Holy Week
Holy Week is a week of travesty, hardship, hurt, disappointment and disgrace. We know how the story ends, but maybe our role in the story will be different this year as we extend the very compassion that Jesus did...
6 Apr 20204min

Palm Sunday
Do you know who Jesus is in your life? As we enter into the holiest of weeks for Christians, and as we've endured some much these past few weeks....do you feel closer or more withdrawn from Jesus? Well, the good news is Jesus already died and He did it just for you! Will you reflect on that and accept it as we head into Easter Sunday?
5 Apr 20205min